sábado, 16 de maio de 2015

OTAN treina "rebeldes" sírios

O imperialismo, do alto de sua desfaçatez -que engana apenas polianas ou morenistas (aliás, os morenistas não são enganados; criminosamente, chegam a exigir ajuda militar imperialista, como se vê aqui)-, continua treinando "rebeldes" sírios, supostamente para o combate ao ISIS. Não é verdade. O que o imperialismo pretende é derrubar o regime anti-sionista e anti-imperialista de Assad, e para isso tem fomentado o mesmo ISIS que finge combater.

A matéria baixo foi extraída aqui.

Turkey says training of Syrian rebels delayed

By The Associated Press | Ankara
Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Turkey’s foreign minister says the start of a joint Turkish-U.S. program to train and arm Syrian rebels fighting the Islamic State group has been delayed.

Mevlut Cavusoglu said in an interview on Turkish state television Monday that the program has been pushed back due to technical reasons and not because of any disagreement with the United States. He did not say when the program would start.

Turkey and the U.S. reached a deal on training and arming the rebels in February after several months of negotiations. Turkish officials had previously said training would begin in March but later pushed the start date to May.

The U.S. Defense Department has said it is aiming to train 5,000 Syrians a year for three years in Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
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